Talk to me

boyle, t.c.
How far would you go to save someone you love? and what if that someone was ... not exactly human? guy schermerhorn, brilliant young professor of psychology and disciple of the pioneering dr moncrieff, is making a name for himself on the talk show circuit with an unusual protege in tow: a chimp by the name of sam. sam lives in guy''s apartment, wears diapers and neckties, devours pizza and macdonalds - and, through guy''s careful training, can communicate through sign languagebut living with sam is wreaking havoc on guy''s personal life, and when shy, meek undergraduate aimee villard volunteers to take on babysitting for him, he can''t believe his luck. aimee and sam have an immediate rapport, and before guy knows it she''s moved in, proudly devoting herself to sam''s care and guy''s projectaimee has never known purpose and happiness like this
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9781526630025
Collection 221 poche
Date de parution 18/05/2022
Format 20 mm x 198 mm x 128 mm
Where to find us?
16 bis rue de la Sous Préfecture
39100 Dole

Lundi au samedi 9h - 19h




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